How To Measure Your Penis Size

How To Measure Your Penis Size | Length and Girth 2023

Have you ever used a tape measure or ruler to measure your erect penis? It’s a common act among most men, done either out of boredom or genuine curiosity. However, the accuracy of such measurements is questionable, as some men may not have measured their penis correctly and, as a result, have gathered inaccurate measurements.

To ensure that you measure your penis length and girth correctly, it’s essential to follow scientific guidelines. Keep reading to find out what science says about how to measure your penis size properly.

How To Measure Penis Length

Properly measuring penis length is important, but not everyone knows how to do it. Here’s a simple guide on how to accurately measure your penis length:

  1. Begin measuring from the top side of your penis (the side facing up when you look down).
  2. Place the end of your ruler or measuring tape at the base of your penis, against the pubic bone where it connects to your body. Push past any excess fat or pubic hair so the ruler is right against the bone.
  3. Measure straight from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis.


What Is The Average Penis Length?

It’s important to note that according to a 2015 review published in the British Journal of Urology International, the average erect penis size is 13.12 centimeters or roughly 5-1/5 inches. The average flaccid (soft) penis length is 9.16 centimeters when unstretched, or just over 3-1/2 inches.

How To Measure Penis Length


How To Measure Penis Girth

Measuring penis girth is just as straightforward as measuring length. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Again, make sure your penis is fully erect before measuring. This will give you a more accurate measurement than if it were flaccid.
  2. Use a flexible tape measure to measure the circumference of your erect penis around the middle of the shaft. If you don’t have a tape measure, you can use a string and then measure its length with a ruler.
  3. Take multiple measurements to get an average for a more representative result.

In some cases, you might want to know the thickness of the penis shaft instead of the girth. Simply divide the circumference by pi (3.14) to get this measurement.


What Is The Average Penis Girth?

According to the same study published in the British Journal of Urology International, the average erect penis girth is 11.66 centimeters, or just over 4-1/2 inches. The average flaccid girth is 9.31 centimeters, or around 3-1/3 inches.

How To Measure Penis Girth


Is It Better To Measure Your Penis When Erect Or Flaccid?

Either way is acceptable, but it’s important to understand what you’re measuring and what results to expect. Erect measurements are usually easier and can give more impressive numbers, but it’s essential to keep things in perspective.

Regardless of how you measure, statistically speaking, your penis is likely big enough. Having an above-average or smaller penis does not necessarily impact your ability to provide sexual satisfaction or have self-confidence.


Why Measure Your Penis?

Measuring your penis has medical benefits, primarily to select the right condom size. Knowing your penis length and circumference can help you avoid using a condom that is too loose, which could fall off or tear due to extra friction. On the other hand, if a condom is too tight, it could reduce sensation and cause erection loss, making it more likely to break. Using an ill-fitting condom may put you at risk of acquiring STIs or your partner at risk of unplanned pregnancy.


Does Penis Size Matter?

Not to most women, according to studies that show 77% of them do not care about size. However, it’s crucial to learn how to measure yourself correctly to determine the condom size that fits you. Wearing the wrong condom size can lead to unwanted scenarios, such as difficulty in putting it on or discomfort if it’s too tight, or an increased risk of tearing or falling off if it’s too loose. These situations increase the likelihood of having unprotected sex, leading to STIs or unplanned pregnancies.


What If My Penis Is Small When I Measure It?

It’s important to remember that size isn’t everything. Most partners are satisfied with their partner’s size, and other factors such as technique and self-confidence are important too. Ultimately, the right size is your size.


How Can I Use My Penis Measurements To Find The Right Condom?

If your penis measurements are close to the average size listed, start with a “Standard” or “Normal” size condom. If you are below average, try a “Snug” or “Tight-Fit” condom, and if your measurements are above average, try a “Large-Fit” condom and adjust from there.

Banana with a condom


How Do I Measure My Curved Penis Accurately?

If your penis has a significant curve, it may be difficult to measure accurately with a ruler. In that case, using a cloth tape measure is the best option.


Common Myths About Penis Length

There are several myths circulating around about penis length, but most of them are not backed by scientific evidence. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones.

Shoe Size Correlates To Penis Size

Contrary to popular belief, medical researchers have found no correlation between shoe size and penile length. The size of your feet and hands is not an indicator of your penis size either.

Flaccid Length Determines Erect Penis Length

The size of your penis when flaccid doesn’t necessarily determine its size when erect. Some men are “growers,” meaning their penis significantly increases in size when erect. Other men are “showers,” meaning their penis doesn’t change much in size when erect.

Most Women Prefer Well-Endowed Men

Studies show that around 85% of women are satisfied with their partner’s size. However, almost half of men still worry about the size of their penis.

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Bob Matsliah
Bob Matsliah

Bob Matsliah is a sexologist and author. He has many years of experience working with individuals and couples to improve their sexual health and well-being.

Bob is passionate about empowering men to connect with their sexuality and overcome any challenges or concerns they may have. He has written extensively on topics such as male sexual dysfunction, sexual communication, and sexual pleasure. He believes that every individual deserves to have a healthy and fulfilling sex life, and is committed to helping men achieve this goal.

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